AmazoniAlerta contributes to IACHR investigation in Araribóia

AmazoniAlerta contributes to IACHR investigation in Araribóia

AmazoniAlerta is proud to be supporting the successful appeal made by APIB and COAPIMA for a precautionary measure from the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR), demanding the Brazilian government the guarantee of rights to the Guajajara and Awá indigenous peoples, from the Araribóia Indigenous Land. AmazoniAlerta is contributing with evidence gathered by its Environmental Agents.

The request argues that the Guajajara and Awá peoples are vulnerable and at risk from COVID-19, and that the state is failing to provide acceptable access to healthcare and failing to protect their territories from illegal invasion and, in particular, the isolation of the Awá people.

The IACHR is an autonomous institution of the Organisation of American States (OAS), that promotes the observance of human rights in the States that signed the American Convention on Human Rights. Precautionary measures are requests to a State to protect one or more persons who are at serious risk of suffering irreparable harm.