Rosie is an Ambassador for AmazoniAlerta focusing on representing the project amongst the corporate legal communities in the UK and the US.
Rosie is a Partner in the Family team at Forsters, a leading London law firm. She specialises in complex divorce, separation and children cases, often with an international dimension. With a global network of contacts, Rosie’s international profile and expertise make her a ‘go to’ matrimonial lawyer for clients with a global footprint. Rosie regularly acts for clients who are in the public eye, working to ensure privacy and discretion throughout. Rosie also has expertise in dealing with same sex divorce, surrogacy and alternative conception work for all types of individuals and families, with a particular interest in children cases involving special needs. Rosie cuts through the complexity of the law to provide clients with a clear and strategic way forward, while providing sensitive and empathetic support during what can be a very difficult time.
In relation to her ambassadorial role at AmazoniAlerta, Rosie comments that, “I believe passionately in using my legal experience and extensive global connections to support Indigenous rights lawyers in Brazil whose work is integral to the empowerment of indigenous communities and their ability to protect the vast areas of the Amazon rainforest that make up their ancestral lands. I knew immediately on hearing about the purpose and ambition of charity that this was a cause close to my own heart. I hope that collectively we can make a difference for the sake of the environment and the future of indigenous communities and rights.”